TJ Zenzal, USGS: tzenzal@usgs.gov
Bill Vermillion, Gulf Coast Joint Venture: William_Vermillion@fws.gov
Landbird priorities
- For forest breeding/wintering birds it is important to understand how different management regimes impacts populations of priority bird species. Specifically, how to best balance forest services (e.g., timber/pulp production, game species management, etc.) with the needs of priority species. Additionally, what habitat composition/structure is optimal for our priority species and what management techniques (e.g., prescribed fire, select timber harvests, etc.) are able to achieve the ideal habitat.
- For grassland breeding/wintering birds it is important to understand how current grassland conservation programs (e.g., CRP) impact priority species. Additionally, understanding the wintering demography/ecology is a major priority for grassland species, especially in relation to habitat availability and management.
- For passage migrants it is important to understand where migrants use stopover habitat during spring and fall, how those habitats function (rest versus refuel), and how conservation efforts benefit/serve migrants. Additionally, a region-wide monitoring effort, akin to CBC and BBS, is needed to better understand and conserve transient individuals.
Landbird Guidelines https://gomamn.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/chapter3-1.pdf
Landbird Priority species list
Eastern Partners In Flight working group
Inland Bird Banding Association
Eastern Bird Banding Association
Landbird projects/programs in the Gulf region
Audubon Christmas Bird Count
Audubon Louisiana Coastal Stewardship Program
Baton Rouge Audubon Society Louisiana Bird Observatory
Gulf Coast Bird Observatory Avian Research and Monitoring
MAPS: Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship
National Park Service Gulf Coast Inventory & Monitoring Network
North American Breeding Bird Survey
Prothonotary Warbler Working Group
Joint Ventures within the region
- Gulf Coast JV (https://www.gcjv.org/)
- Gulf Coast Joint Venture Landbird Conservation Plan Bird Conservation Regions 25 – 27
- Gulf Coast Joint Venture Landbird Conservation Plan Bird Conservation Region 37
- Northern Bobwhite Objectives for the Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative
- Coastal Grassland Restoration Incentive Program Priority (C-GRIP) Species Programmatic Population Survey
- Lower Mississippi Valley JV (https://www.lmvjv.org/)
- East Gulf Coastal Plain JV (https://egcpjv.org/)
- Atlantic Coast JV (https://acjv.org/)